NarraText  Taxonomy Architecture Chart
The NarraText Taxonomy Architecture Chart illustrates  (1) NarraText's 4-part Taxonomic Architecture, (2) the Knowledge Sieve, and (3) the taxonomic branch structure, and (4)  example term lists that are categorized in branches.

The Taxonomic Architecture is made up of 4-parts listed in ascending order of precedence:
  1. Core TaXonomy  (CTX)-  contains the (naive) universe of all taxonomic information accumulated (and being accumulated by) NarraText.
  2. Domain TaXonomy (DTX) - contains a subset of CTX  taxonomic terms corresponding specifically to the target data set.  The DTX is created by filtering the  union of multiple CTX's based on the terms  (tokens and phrases) that are found in the target data set. The filtering process is performed by an operation known as the "Knowledge Sieve".
  3. User TaXonomy (UTX) - contains Taxonomic categories and terms defined by the Subject Matter Expert (SME)  after reviewing the semantics of the target dataset to extend, correct, or enrich the dataset semantics.
  4. Question/query TaXonomy (QTX) - contains taxonomic categories and terms that are specifically tailored to the needs of a given query or question that is guiding the text extraction process. This provides a means to enrich the semantics pertaining to obtaining a specific answer to a business question.
The Taxonomic Information Detail shows an elaborated  hierarchy (in list form) of  categories that make up a specific taxonomy (category set).  Three category branches within the shown hierarchy  have arrows that point to term lists. Note that each branch consists of a sequence of nodes separated by ">>".  Terms are assigned (categorized) by  "branch"  this allows -- although not recommended -- creating multiple branches containing the same set of nodes differing in sequene.  For instance:  the branch "Emotions>>Strong Emotions>>Strong Hurt ", as a unique branch category, can exist in the same taxonomy with a different (or overlapping) set of terms as the branch: "Emotions>>Strong Hurt>>Strong Emotions".